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Cleaning a Chimney

The cleaning process for a fireplace flue would be to come into the home, tarp off the firebox so that no soot escapes into your home. Then using rods and brushes would proceed to sweep the Chimney. As soon as the flue has been properly cleaned then using a high powered vacuum, remove any soot that has been brushed down. 


How do I know that a mess will not be made in my home:

Our company guarantees that we will take every precaution to insure the safety and cleanliness of your home, from the time we enter until the time we leave. Also, we are fully insured so that you can rest assured knowing that if anything did occur while in your home we would make sure to take care of it.

is there anything I need to do to prepare to have my chimney cleaned?:

We do ask that someone over the age of 18 is home as we will need to enter the home to access the chimney. Please do not light your woodstove, fireplace, pellet stove or coal stove 24 hours prior to a chimney technician coming to clean your flue.